Joshua’s weblog

Hey, it’s #WeblogPoMo2024!

So I never really blogged before. I wrote blog posts but those were usually for work. I did join Twitter quite early which was micro blogging before it turned into a crypto scam and grifter sh*t show run by an idiot. Anyway, I’ve never been one who shared (strong) opinions online tbh. There were always enough people already doing just that. I consumed more than I created and my Twitter feed was how I kept up with tech news and work related things. (RIP Google Reader 🪦. Will miss you forever 😢)

Still, I got a voice and I have opinions or even just thoughts that might be worth sharing. Some people might learn from them, find inspiration in them, or even if it’s just me revisiting them later. I’ve been journaling for over a hundred days now so this could be my public journal in some way.

That’s where the #WeblogPomo2024 challenge comes in. An initiative by Annie Greens 🍏. The goal is to post one blog article per day and I’m ready for it!

Do I have a plan on what kind of content or topics I want to write about? No, not a clue. But that’s what I most like about this challenge. Challenging myself (hey there 👋) with something new and maybe even start to build a new habit. I’ve always wanted to write. Maybe I’ll like it, maybe not, who knows.

Might be some tech thing about programming or a specific tool I use and why I like it but that’s too obvious for a developer. I want to branch out of my comfort zone and maybe write a book review or about something I never tried before, like cooking something fancy following a recipe, idk.

One thing I already liked about posting this post right here was just the waterfall of words and thoughts and getting it out of my head. Another thing is the technical setup. Usually I try to overengineer everything (what most devs usually do), lose interest, and never follow through. This time I just hit up my page, hit the New entry button, and started writing. I don’t even want to worry about any config. Can still do that later.

Anyway, that’s post #1. See ya tomorrow ✌️

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